Our team runs a thorough analysis to your account focusing on the feed design, copy, highlights to further understand what works for your brand and optimizes your visual feed.
*This includes display picture, search name, bio, story highlights design, cover images and hashtags

We create a detailed strategy based on insights and researched knowledge of your brand and industry standards.
Include tactics that focus on social media trends to ultimately achieve your business goals.
We then focus on creating & optimizing Facebook ads to reach a wider audience and thus increasing brand awareness.
*Facebook ads is recommended but optional

We love working with new Brands and being part of their creation and growth. When creating a new brand identity we base it on a through market research which helps us define the social strategy in building the key brand visuals.
*This includes logo design, color palette, highlights, cover images, social media strategy & tactics

Here we focus on content. Creating a complete content plan and calendar for your account filled with various content formats to capture the attention of and engage your audience.
Carefully planned into themes/focuses based on the nature of your brand and social media landscape trends. ​
*Written content, video & graphic design

Managing social media ads can become really tricky...
We take that load off you, plan and set-up detailed ads & campaigns. We focus on finding the right audience for you through A/B testing, retargeting and optimization to get you the widest possible reach and the highest quality leads
*Customized to a desired budget with a min requirement

Audience is how you get your content seen. We navigate the algorithm for you, making sure we cover all the bases to deliver your content to an engaged audience that will guarantee its visibility and effectiveness, we create a community and maintain engagement to create social brand loyalty for your business
*This includes Likes, Replies, Comments & conversation